Timeline of new pension scheme

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In the timeline below you will find the most important dates until the full introduction of the new pension system. This way you know what to expect and when.

1 July 2023 | Future Pensions Act takes effect
Pension funds have until 1 January 2028 to switch to a new pension scheme. The social partners and StiPP aim to switch to the new pension scheme as of 1 January 2026.
2023 – 2025 | Making agreements about the new pension scheme
  • Employers' organisations (ABU and NBBU) and the trade unions (FNV, CNV Vakmensen and De Unie) in the temporary employment and secondment sector are making agreements about the new StiPP pension scheme. In November 2023, social partners reached an agreement on renewing the pension scheme.
  • Social partners have drawn up a transition plan. The transition plan sets out the details of the new pension scheme and how the transition to the new scheme will take place. The social partners have provided the transition plan to StiPP.
  • In 2024, StiPP will assess whether it can implement the new pension scheme. It is important that the pension scheme and the transition to the new pension scheme are balanced, feasible and explainable. Balanced means that the new regulation does not strongly favour or disadvantage groups.
  • After the assessment of the new pension scheme, StiPP draws up a plan stating how it will implement the new pension scheme. This plan will be submitted to the Dutch Central Bank for approval. StiPP will arrange this in 2024 but no later than 1 July 2025.
  • In the coming years, StiPP will inform you about the new scheme and what it means for you as an employee.
  • You will receive a personal message from us in the autumn of 2025. This contains a provisional calculation of your expected pension in the new pension scheme.
After the employment conditions phase | Start of transition to the new pension scheme
Once the agreements on the new pension scheme are known and StiPP is able to implement them, StiPP will make preparations to introduce the new pension scheme.
January 1, 2026 | StiPP expects to introduce the new pension scheme
StiPP aims to transition to the new pension scheme as of 1 January 2026. From then on, you will accrue pension under the new scheme. In mid-2026, you will receive a personal message from us with the final calculation of your pension.
January 1, 2028 | All pension funds are ready for the new pension rules
From 1 January 2028, the new rules will apply to everyone. All pension funds must have switched to the new pension system.