If a loved one dies, you have a lot to deal with. Here is what to expect where pension is concerned. You can of course also contact us on telephone number 030 277 56 90 or send a message using our contact form. We will be happy to help you organise your dependant’s pension.
Lump-sum or monthly payment?
What happens to your pension depends on the amount your partner has accrued. If this amount is below the commutation threshold of €613.52 per year (2025), StiPP will pay you the amount as a lump sum. If it is higher, you will receive an amount each month for the rest of your life.
Letter with information
StiPP will send you a letter if your partner has died. It will show how much pension your partner has accrued. Click on the button below that matches the pension benefits accrued to read more. Or scan the QR code in the letter to go straight to the right page in English.